Letter to the Editor - Green Lake Outer Loop: Reimagining a better Aurora

The following is a response to the September 1 Letter to the Editor by , published in The Seattle Times on September 30, 2022. We encourage you to read the article at The Seattle Times website to support its news reporting.

Re: “Green Lake Outer Loop: A dangerous plan” [Sept. 1, Northwest Voices]:

The Aurora Reimagined Coalition thanks Seattle for moving forward with the Green Lake Outer Loop Project. It is great to see the community and city government re-imagine change to Aurora Avenue, putting people and community first, toward a Vision Zero. The project will improve safety by separating vulnerable road users from motor vehicles and reducing excessive highway speeds through “road-diet” solutions. It’s a first step to transform sections of Aurora for a diversity of users. Recent input collected by the Seattle Department of Transportation from thousands of residents confirmed interest in improving Green Lake as an amenity for all to walk, roll, and bike for recreation and commuting. Without closing West Green Lake Drive North, it repurposes one car lane to complete the bike loop around the lake. A special thanks goes to Green Lake & Wallingford Safe Streets for encouraging this repurposing of existing infrastructure.

We look forward to safer bicycling for all ages around Green Lake and encourage the community to join us in re-imagining other parts of Aurora. Visit us at www.got99problems.org

Max Sevareid, Seattle, on behalf of Aurora Reimagined Coalition leaders